Monday, June 18, 2007

MJE::Week 2

Today we took Marcus to his first doctor's appointment and everything looks great. His weight when we left the hospital was 7lbs. 1 oz., which was well within the expected range. Today he weighed 7lbs. 7 oz., just one ounce shy of his birth-weight. Apparently it is best if they get back to that birth-weight fairly quickly, and he is mostly there now.

He is feeding 8-10 times every 24 hours now. His overnight feedings have come between 1a -3a, and then again around 5a or so for the past two nights. At night he is not supposed to go more than 4 hours without eating and his internal clock has been almost dead on, so he wakes Jen (and me) up rather than us having to get him up. All very good signs of a healthy and happy baby.

I am anxious for Jen to be able to begin pumping so I can take over some of the late night feeding. I am a night owl so it really makes sense for me to take over a fair share of those while she gets her rest. They asked us to wait 2 weeks before introducing the bottle and we are halfway there :-).

Jen is slowly getting better. Still pretty sore and we are limiting her movement to the main floor of our house. She goes up or downstairs no more than once or twice a day, including up to our room to sleep at night. She is not allowed to drive for another week either, so I am still home full time.

I will go back to work part time starting this Thursday. I will work 1/2 days for the next two weeks and then resume my full time schedule. I must admit, as much as I love my job (which I really do), it will be very difficult to leave him. It will be nice to get back to being productive and to my friends at work.

note- I have plans to add more photos to this blog, but for now am dumping them into a Picasa photo album. The facebook album is still up but Picasa seems to be easier to manage and offers a better download feature I think. Enjoy!

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