Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bent but not Broken

I suppose now may be a great time to bring everyone up to speed
with the events of this past week. Marcus underwent surgery to fit him
for a cast in order to correct his hip dysplasia.
He had worn a brace for about 6 weeks, which is a first-step corrective
device. After 6 weeks the doctor said his (left) hip socket was not
improved and so a cast is the next (and final) step. So Thursday at
about 11:45a Marcus was put under anaesthetic, fitted with a breathing
tube, and they had to snip a tendon in his groin (left side) to relax
the leg enough to place it properly in the hip socket.

As you might expect this entire process has been hardest on Jen and I.
Marcus had a rough day, but was released from the hospital Friday
afternoon and is now resting quite comfortably in his crib. He sepnt
the bulk of today laughing and playing with Mam and Dad, and then
resting as much as he could. Feeding is a little more difficult for Jen
and Marcus to figure out, but they are rapidly getting the hang of it.
Diapers. So this cast has an opening in the crotch to allow for tucking
a diaper around him. A larger diaper is then used on the outside of the
cast to help contain accidents. This is not a very effective process as
the cast gets soaked every time he pees which means we have to replace
the diapers and an absorbent pad in the back of his cast, then blow dry
the cast with a cool blow-dryer. it already smells pretty awful.

All things considered Jen and I continue to feel very fortunate that he
is a healthy baby and so good natured and peaceful now. His spirit is
so strong and despite the inconvinience of his situation he sleeps
through the night still and spends most of his waking time smiling and
chattering, and just being cute.

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