Monday, November 12, 2007

Something to this Valentine's Day thing afterall.

There is something about the month of November. As a new parent I am compelled to count back 9 months...

So many birthdays in November.

I have two 'brothers', the two best men at our wedding we all turn 41 this year, Sean on the 2nd and Eric on the 11th), Jen's Mom's birthday is on the 5th, and our nephew Alex's is on the 7th.

Our niece Ki'ara is my birthday girl. She celebrates (her 2nd) on the 14th along with me, and the Mother of a long-time friend. Ahhhh, Valentine's Day...

Marcus has a busy month as well. He goes in for his new (larger) cast this Thursday which means he is half-way through his treatment. He is still oblivious to the whole ordeal, but Jen and I are happy to be getting closer to putting this all behind us.

Marcus's baptism is this coming Sunday which means we have friends and family headed our way. We are particularly excited to see everyone and for them to see how big he has gotten.

More updates in the Picasa album...

Future Producer.

"Daddy! Which button is more cowbell?"

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