Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Holiday Photos

With so many kids around the holidays really are fun again and we have had a good weekend. Yesterday we had dinner with my Mom, Sister, and our niece Neeya. Jen cooked a wonderful meal and we all had fun spending time together.

Later, my buddy James stopped by with his dog Kira - they are both in town from Minneapolis. It always good to spend time with James and Kira is a very sweet dog, whom my dogs are very pleased to have met. We will also make a visit to his parent's house soon as well, another source of time well spent.

After that, we went to the early evening service at Jen's church, where Marcus played the baby Jesus in a live nativity scene. A very popular tradition there which includes a live donkey. Many people commented about how cute and extremely laid-back he is. He was very popular.

This morning, Jen, Marcus and I opened presents here at the house and then we joined the rest of Jen's family at her Mom's house. Marcus had a great time opening his presents this year and watching his cousins go crazy.

As you can see, this was an exciting day...

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