Thursday, January 3, 2008

Past the Peak

Marcus continues to be a very happy and healthy baby boy. He is full of love. And mixed vegetables.

Marcus loves being out of his cast. He is still wearing a brace at night while he sleeps, but only then. At his last doctor's visit he was determined to be in the 86th percentile in height but only the 8th percentile in weight. Now that the cast is off he will likely start to gain quickly.

This holiday has been a mixture of good times and rough times for Jen and I, among others. For starters we managed to spend a little time with a few good friends which we always enjoy. In fact, for me, this holiday has been especially fulfilling in terms of friendships. I have been both in desperate need of a good friend and found several there, and I have been there as a good friend to someone who really needs it as well.

Parting with Scottie is going to be something I will struggle with for awhile. In some ways it's interesting for me as I start to feel all of the various parts of the grieving process but mostly I am not analyzing it as much as just letting it run its course. I have found some solace in relating to friends who have gone through similar experiences. I have also gained some perspective this past week...

Sadly, this is a tough time for more reasons than Scottie's passing. A dear friend, Godmother to our Son, lost another member of her immediate family this week. Her Father passed away earlier this week which has been gut-wrenching in so many ways. He was a wonderful man who was as devoted to his family and friends as anyone I have ever met. I have fond memories of him, in particular memories of time he, Eric, and I spent doing some remodeling work in Eric and Tanya's first house. He was great and will be greatly missed.

As we move forward we continue to keep an eye on the good things in our lives. This keeps us very busy. And of course Marcus is absolutely the best thing about each and every day.

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