Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We had photos taken for Mother's and Father's Day and they turned out pretty good...

Marcus is getting bigger in so many ways. He turns 1 on the 11th of this month, is (army) crawling all over the place, waves good-bye and has been known to say 'Uh-oh' which is particularly useful when dropping stuff. Like food. And this thing.

Marcus has a very busy Summer. For his first birthday, Mommy has rented a pavillion in a local park (Elmwood) where we will hang out and sign autographs. And make diaper art. Guy stuff.

For the 4th of July we are going to see family again as we all head to Kearney and then on to Elm Creek for an interment service for my uncle Hal who passed unexpectedly a few weeks ago. It will be a difficult time as it is now, but Marcus has a way of brightening the mood. He has had too many opportunities to do that but that is part of his blessing I guess.

Sometime in August we will make a path to Dallas to hang with the Miller/Barger clan. No date set for that one yet.

Time moves so fast these days that before we know it, football season will be here and Marcus and Daddy and Mommy will be busy. Leave a message.



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