Friday, June 29, 2007

A Day at the Zoo

Today we took Marcus to the zoo and had a blast (FYI - the infant in this photo is Tiernan, our soon-to-be-Goddaughter. Marcus was asleep in his stroller). We met up with Tanya & Eric, their 5 kids, Raquel's children Hannah and Zach, Kori (Eric's sister) & her 2 yr old son Zain, and then Kathy and Larry (Eric and Kori's parents). Quite a gathering. The kids all seemed to have fun, or as much fun as they wanted to, and I think the adults really enjoyed watching them. Marcus slept pretty much the entire time, but was very popular none-the-less.

Nicole and I grew up with Eric and Kori and I think of them as siblings more so than friends. Eric and I are 3 days apart and celebrated several of our earliest birthdays together. We hung-out quite a bit whenever my family lived in Omaha (we moved a lot), and then he and I both went to Iowa. We both worked together for a few years before he, Tanya, and Alex moved away. I am Godfather to his first-born daughter.

Tanya and Jen went to High School together and were friends. Tanya introduced me to Jen after running into her in a class at a local university. Jen and I are going to become Godparents to their fifth child Tiernan, this Sunday at her baptism. We are very excited and plan to shower all of 'our babies' with lots, and lots of love.

It was really cool to be together with our children and watch them interact with each other, and to interact with them. I imagine it will be even more fun once Marcus manages to stay awake. Nicole and Neeya are currently in Florida with my Dad and Cathy so were not available to join us, but hopefully someday we'll have them all together in one spot.

Check out the pix!

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