Saturday, June 23, 2007

About Me

For those who don't know me, music has been a constant throughout my life. The only thing I love more than listening to music is creating music. I love to play it, I love to record it, I love to listen to other people play it and watch other people record it. Music is my passion.

I began playing the piano at a very young age and then took up drums around fourth grade. Over the years I have also picked up the guitar; something I can play with relative ease though I could stand to practice more...

I did all of the 'standard' music things; played in concert band, swing choir, and orchestra in junior high; pep band, marching band, jazz band and orchestra in high school; studied about 2 years as a music major at the U of Iowa then changed to theater (they had a great recording studio that was hardly being used - I loved it!), and finally became an art major before leaving. I have played in cover bands, original bands, musicals, solo performances, open mic the dark - in the rain - at a park - on a, not really. Lately I have really taken to recording music and playing in the studio. I have gotten some experience engineering, mixing, recording in local studios, and composing/creating music for video and the web.

I have spent the better part of the past 12 months completing the construction of a project studio in my basement. This provides not only an additional income stream, but gives me a place to play and record anytime I want and not have to worry about setting up, tearing down, or most importantly, watching the clock. I have also been doing some CD reviews for a national music publication, and the control room and lounge areas provide great environments for listening to the submissions as well.

Watch for updates as I put this place to good use. Still trying to think of a good name though...

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