Friday, June 22, 2007


While music is a central theme to my blog, and this could easily be a posting related to that topic, it is not. It is inspired by recent events in our lives namely the birth of our child and the death of a friend.

Marcus successfully completed his first venture out yesterday, not including his visit to the doctor on Tuesday. Jen and I took him with us to the visitation for Raquel. I was a bit apprehensive about taking him along, fearing that it might be uncomfortable for people to see him given the juxtaposition of a 10-day old with a woman taken at such a young age (37). Jen thought it would give people something positive to focus on and might be a nice distraction. Besides, our extended "family" was going to be there in significant number...

Of course she was right - have I mentioned how beautiful she is? She's very smart. Marcus was a big hit and I was amazed at how many people, friends and strangers alike, were drawn to him and commented. This experience was replicated again today at the funeral, the interment, and the family gathering afterwards.

Let me break off here to mention two things that moved me today. The first was the large number of people in attendance at the funeral and in the procession that followed. This was clearly a woman, and family, that has touched many people's lives.

The second was on the way to the cemetery, there was a young man who had gotten off his motorcycle at an intersection, and stood in salute as the procession passed. It made me think of how sad I felt and how many people in this country have been going through this over the past four years. Young lives vanishing so soon in so many confusing, frustrating, and seemingly wasteful ways.

Back at the family gathering we finally got to say hello to the Miller girls . Alex, the oldest and my Goddaughter, was bright-eyed and practically jumping out of her skin with excitement. I wish I could say it was me she was happy to see, and though I certainly know she was, it was Marcus.

Alex was the first person I passed him off to and I didn't get to hold him again until we were at home. :-| Several people asked to hold him, and I got hassled a bit for not ensuring he got around to somebody I never did actually meet. It occurred to me that there is a circle that is closed in the passing of one life and the birth of another. Perhaps people were drawn to something in that. Whatever it was, there is certainly something special about holding him and watching him as he becomes aware of the space around him.

One final thought of the day is about how proud, and honored Jen and I are to have been asked to fill in as Godparents for Tiernan, Tanya & Eric's youngest daughter. We were floored. We are so excited that our lives are expanding in so many ways so suddenly, in spite of the fare which brings this honor to us.

Raquel, we miss you.

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