Monday, August 20, 2007

Travelin' Man

The trip: At the beginning of August his mother and I took the little man to Seattle for an Else family reunion and to celebrate my Grandmother's 90th birthday. Marcus hit the two-month mark as she turned 90.

We had a lot of fun. The flights out were 50-50; Marcus slept from Omaha to Salt Lake City, but was less tolerant on the following flight to Seattle. On the trip home we were delayed and missed our connection in Salt Lake, so we spent the night there compliments of the Airline.

Quick story: Delta Airlines was really great to us in the midst of a chaotic day. Our original flight from Seattle to Salt Lake was delayed by 6 hours. As we arrived at the counter to inquire about our connection, we were lucky enough to get seats on a plane that was currently boarding. 10 hours late. As a result there were 40 open seats on the plane. It was a great flight. Marcus slept.

We missed our connection in Salt Lake. By about two minutes. The flight attendant on the flight in had taken it upon herself to arrange for an electric cart to shuttle us to the connecting gate, but missed the plane. The ticket agent had made arrangements for us to stay at a local hotel and gave us meal vouchers. As a result we were all three resting in bed and a crib much sooner than we would have been had we made our flight.

The trip: So Marcus is now 2 months old and the Else family got to meet him. Everyone. He was so well received and my Grandmother commented several times on how cute he is and of course we agree.

We all spent most of the weekend in Redmond, WA and had a great time. There were representatives of every decade from Marcus to his Great-Grandmother and enough activities to suit everyone.

Jen, Marcus and I spent stayed two nights with my Cousin Steve, his wife Judy, their cat Earl (Grey), Bentley the bird, and Spike and Jackson. The two puppies who are both Australian Shepards and are extensively trained in obedience among other things.

Quicker story: My cousin Judy let me tag along with her and the dogs to a wonderful dog park at the top of Lake Sammamish, near the hotel. There were acres and acres of paths covered 6" deep with mulch and the puppies had lots and lots and lots of fun.

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