Monday, February 18, 2008

Making up for Lost Time

A hand-full of videos. Marcus is very active now, has two teeth that have broken through and he spends most of his waking time kicking and squirming. He is trying desperately to crawl.

Next month Marcus and Jen will travel to San Diego to see her Father. It will be the first time he meets Marcus so we are all very excited about that. I will miss them terribly as I will not be joining them for this trip. I will stay home with the pups and the kitties and find some construction projects to keep me busy :-P.

Anyhow, here are some of the past month's videos:

Marcus loves this spinny, clicky, bouncy, lighty...hey what's this taste like, toy he inherited from cousin Neeya...

Clearly being harassed by Mommy...

Reading a delicious book with Mommy and cousin Reagan...

So cute...

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