Friday, February 22, 2008

Things are Getting Serious...

One of my favorite activities these days is watching Marcus try to pick things up. He is crazy. So is this hat...

Marcus is now quite adept at rolling over and clearly wants to crawl. He is getting stronger, eats like a champ, and continues to sleep soundly through the night. He is still spending Mondays and Fridays with my Mom, which he loves. Occasionally our Niece Neeya is there which I imagine is a bit surreal thinking about how long ago it was that Nicole and I were that young.

Tuesday through Thursday he is with 'Grandma Lu' (Lucille Gibilisco), a woman who runs a home daycare in which Marcus is her only charge. Lucille just just recently celebrated her 80th birthday which we all attended. She has been baby-sitting for almost 50 years and has cared for generations of children, several of whom were there as well. G'ma Lu has a handful of Granddaughters who are quite smitten with the little man (to be expected) and apparently spoil him with attention and affection so who knows what that will lead to...

I mentioned that Marcus is sleeping soundly, in fact he is routinely in his crib by 6:30 every night. We are truly blessed to have such an easy go of it so far. Still, it is tough to have such a short amount of time with him after thinking about him all day. So, we make the most of each moment we have with him. We probably don't share him as much as we could but I don't see that changing anytime soon, if at all.

He's very ticklish.

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