Saturday, June 28, 2008


Have added more pix to Marcus' photo album.

We have been having a lot of severe weather here recently and lots of friends and family are slowly recovering from yesterday's storm. We hope everyone is OK.

We were very fortunate to have escaped with no damage to trees or other property. We did not lose power but did have a couple of surges. We had a small amount of water come into our basement (old windows), but it was easily dealt with.

Marcus continues to be very happy and amazingly laid back. I would say the second thing most people usually mention is how relaxed and easy-going he is. The first thing most people say is how cute he is. Jen and I point this out to each other quite often.

I have taken a little break from working in my studio to help a friend with a space he has put together. We built a 14' desk which looks great after a graffiti artist spent some time with it (my idea :-P) and then I hooked him up with everything he needed to 'tune' an isolation booth. He put that all together and it looks great!

Also working on random projects of my own like building DVD cabinets. I am very excited to start designing and building things for Marcus. And even more excited to build things with him. Mommy has requested a tree fort - an excellent idea, a sandbox, and I want to build a swing-set of some sort. Who knows if we'll actually build them all, but it'll be fun coming up with ideas :-P. the tree-fort is a must-do I think...

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