Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is Marcus swinging at the local park earlier this evening. He loves swinging and just being outside and the weather is absolutely beautiful here right now, so we do a lot of that.

We are having a great time, as often as we can. Marcus continues to get bigger and more entertaining by the day. He has a great temperament and casts a spell on absolutely anyone who dares cross into his space. He seems to be getter better looking.

Jen is now 3-1/2 months pregnant and doing great. We had an appointment a few weeks ago and got to hear the heartbeat. In about 6 weeks we will go in to find out the sex of the baby. We have already decided that if it is a girl her name will be Elizabeth Anne which is a combination of Jen's family name and my Mom's name. If it is another boy then we will name him Nathaniel Scott Jr. which was a name we debated giving to Marcus. A bit different from the norm but then I think that makes even more sense given the name...

I am entering my 3rd month on the Nutrisystem program and am enjoying the results. I have lost somewhere around 25 or 30 lbs. now which is actually a bit fast IMHO so I am supplementing a little here and there which seems to be working great. I am continuing to workout (lift weights) at home and am trying to get my butt to do more cardio but it is not cooperating. Stupid buttocks.

For those of you who are missing the Marcus videos I have decided it is probably better to put them up on the blog without sound as opposed to spending more time trying to troubleshoot the problems with our camera. So I will add maybe some music or a vice-over to them and start posting those this weekend.

Jen and I are also looking t getting Skype set up and a webcam so Grandparents, and other out-of-towners can see the little man from time to time. Will keep you posted on that.

Hope everyone is doing good!

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