Sunday, August 10, 2008


Things are going well for us. Marcus continues to get bigger and cuter by the hour. He says a few words now (mommy, gandmommy, apple among others) and is close to walking. He pulls himself up on everything he can and just has to figure out the balance thing and he's off.

Jen is now somewhere around 2 months pregnant (due March 3) and is feeling good. She doesn't seem to be gaining weight as fast as the first time and a lot of people are sensing this one is a girl. Personally I would prefer another boy, but then that would almost certainly mean a third child in an attempt to get a daughter. Obviously we will be thrilled and blessed either way.

I am now about 4-5 weeks into the Nutrisystem program and am continuing to see and feel the results. I have now lost somewhere around 20-25 lbs. and am thrilled. I feel better each day and am planning to stay with the program until I get to a point where I am happy with how I look and feel (probably around 200-210 with weight training). We'll see. I am at about 235 right now but really not focusing on the actual weight but how I feel day to day.

I have been having a lot of trouble with our camera and downloading video for this blog, so it may still be awhile before I get that figured out. I have so many clips - going back to his 1st birthday in June - and we take more every week.

Hope everyone is doing well - I guess these days just 'managing' counts as doing well.

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