Sunday, January 4, 2009

Far From Home

For the first time since Marcus has come into our lives I have joined the ranks of those of you for whom this blog was initially created; people who rely on these posts as a window into his ever-changing world.

I am currently in Crested Butte, CO, far from Marcus and his Mother, and am feeling relegated to pestering Jen and her sister, Cathy, to supply me with some semblance of what I am missing day-to-day. They are much better than I have proven to be about doing that and have sent me the following video demonstrating his walking skills, his new haircut, and a hint of his 'hamminess':

Needless(?) to say, this has been as unique of a personal discovery/growth experience for me as any I can recall. I miss him so much.

I have come out to spend time with a good friend who is in a time of need, and run of bit of interference whenever the reality of his trauma becomes too much to bear. The rough spots have been trying, frustrating, and ungodly stressful which has required a very even keel, a role I seem surprisingly able to fill.

On the upside, I am surrounded by people who have meant a lot to me over the years, in a familiar location, and have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people and enjoy some great food. Oh, and then there's Chase, and the view from the front porch.

Still, mostly it all serves as a distraction for me as the time away from my family is tough. With Jen being 7+ months pregnant now I am constantly checking in on her to make sure she is OK and that she has someone, usually Cathy, with her as much as possible.

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