Thursday, November 27, 2008

Make Your Own Mistakes Son, 'Cause These are Mine

For those who don't know, I am a contributing blogger to a horror/genre film website - probably NOT the kind of thing most of you would appreciate, but far be it for me to censor myself - is the site and I warn you, enter at your own risk. We can chat afterwards.

In celebration of the holiday, here is a small bit of a post I am working on:

I have never really been one to toot my own horn, so now the fucking thing is clogged with great ideas.

So it's Thanksgiving Day and I know the traditional thing is to mention a few things I am thankful for. Truth be told I am NOT one of those 'glass half full' kind of people but, whether I choose to acknowledge them or not, I have far more than my fair share of things to be thankful for. The standards: loving parents, a sister who reminds me of things I need to be reminded of, a beautiful wife who is a wonderful Mother, more good friends than I am able to maintain, and reconnecting with LONG LOST FRIENDS across the globe:

- I have missed you all and all of the good times we had. I am thrilled to see that you are all well and surrounded by each other, and hope to see you again soon.

I am thankful for so many of the material and the immaterial things (we all) take for granted (house, cars, health, happiness, etc.), so many of the material things I am lucky to have, a good job that I love, and a lot of shit I don't really need - but I'l never admit that.

Really, the thing I am most thankful for at this point in my life is my Son, and the baby my wife is cooking. Without getting too deep here, and beyond the numerous reasons one is thankful for a child, I have been thinking about my Son since I first dropped out of high School.

My Son, in particular, represents to me an extension of all of the potential I never made good on. Or at least, haven't made good on so far. He also represents the 'plus-side' to all of the mistakes I've made and eggs I've laid, as I hope to teach him what those continue to teach me.

"Make your Own Mistakes Son, 'cause These are Mine!"© - maybe I'll pen a little memoir for him...

That's about ll that seems appropriate to print here and note so,

Happy holiday to one and all. Enjoy others!

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