Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The little man hit the 17 month mark yesterday, the same day his Godfather turned 42, and both of them are doing great! For awhile now Marcus has been impressing all of us withsome call and response. We ask, "What does a puppy say" and he'll say, "Woof!". Pretty standard until you run through them all, chicken ("bok, bok"), monkey ("eee eee"), kitty ("mao"), owl ("whoooo"), sheep ("baaaa"), turkey ("gobble") - that's when people start to make comments.

Today, while he was supposed to be sleeping in this crib, G'ma Lu said she heard him counting to himself. To ten! I gave it a shot and he pretty much got it all.

I don't know what is going on, but if he starts developing his own opinions, and doing that brain-type stuff, then we will have to re-evaluate this whole "Democracy' thing. Particularly with regard to the chocolate milk!

Now, a pic.

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